The large interior dedicated to a public-friendly educational area that proposes several state-of-the-art electronic interactive displays mixed with living reef exhibits, and much more!
The large interior dedicated to a public-friendly educational area that proposes several state-of-the-art electronic interactive displays mixed with living reef exhibits, and much more!
There is a limited-access area on the opposite side of the building for professionals using university-level equipment to maintain threatened corals, potentially salvaged from regional reef and port projects.
Exclusive space to living corals that will help with critical coral research, education, and propagation to complement and enhance state-wide reef restoration efforts.
If you'd like to help support the Reef Discovery Center to timely create the public education component and/or help fund the university-level work in the restricted research area, please email us at [email protected] or call RDC President/CEO Kirk Dotson at 310-561-5548.
Corporate Branding and Family Name sponsorships are available for a wide range of funding opportunities and important needs. Please check back soon for a menu of options and feel free to propose how we can work together with your budget.
Since 2014, stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) has infected the Florida Reef Tract.
Half of Florida’s 45 stony coral species are affected. Death of coral tissue leaves skeletons
behind and which become covered with algae. To remedy the problem, corals are
removed from the ocean: cared for & bred in “nurseries”. At RDC, we will professionally
care for, rehabilitate, and reproduce threatened Florida corals, in support of the
FDEP’s multi-year plan to preserve and restore the Florida Reef Tract.